Diabe Tea is a natural herbal diabetes remedy for decreasing and balancing blood sugar level. This herbal tea for diabetics is recommended and anyone who needs a blood sugar level balancing.
This revolutionary natual herbal remedy for a natural diabetes cure that combines a variety of natural herbs known in Indian and Chinese medicine. It contains active ingredients that allow you to decrease high blood sugar level.
Western modern medicine has started to recognize the healing abilities of herbs, and many physicians recommend using them to decrease or balance the blood sugar level. Experiments performed amongst diabetics have shown that their blood sugar level has decreased in two weeks and stayed balanced for 3 months.
Cinnamon, Gymnema Silvestre, Fenugrek, Stigmata Maydis, Lemon Grass, Citrus
Aurantium , Momordica, Tinospora Sinensis.
Recommended to drink 3 cups of DiabeTea a day for best results.
Contains 100 tea bags.
Kosher. Made in Israel by Arava Tea
Attention! DiabeTea is a dietary supplement. It is not a drug and can not be used instead your medication.